You’ve tried every diet you could get your hands on and used every fitness app the Internet recommended to you. You are near your ideal weight, but when you look at yourself in the mirror, you feel far from it. Up to 40 percent of women are unhappy with their bodies, and looking at your love handles and double chin, you surely understand them sometimes.
If your body fat refuses to budge, there is one more option that you could try: CoolSculpting® Elite. But how do you know if CoolSculpting® Elite is the right choice for you? Will it measure up to your expectations? How is the process going to be for you? In this blog, we will go through the main aspects of CoolSculpting® Elite so that you can determine whether it’s the right treatment for you or not.
What Is CoolSculpting® Elite?
CoolSculpting® Elite is a non-surgical fat removal treatment that relies on cryolipolysis to eliminate fat cells. Fat is more sensitive to cold, so when subjected to the cold treatment induced by CoolSculpting® Elite, the fat cell will die and break down. You can think of it as burning calories, but you are using cold temperatures for that.
Once the fat is frozen, your immune system will gradually remove it. The good news is that the effect is permanent, and the destroyed fat will not return, but a healthy lifestyle is still recommended to prevent new fat cells from forming.
Areas That You Can Treat With CoolSculpting® Elite
CoolSculpting® Elite works on areas of the body that have excess fat that you cannot get rid of through natural means (i.e., dieting and exercising). The nine areas that the CoolSculpting® Elite treatment target include:
- Upper back
- Stomach area
- Flanks and lower back
- Buttocks (i.e., your banana roll)
- Waist
- Arm fat
- Chin area
- Inner and outer thighs
No matter the treatment area you are working on, CoolSculpting® Elite can reduce up to 25 percent of the fat cells.
Who Is a Good Candidate for CoolSculpting® Elite?
Here are the “clues” that suggest you are a good candidate for CoolSculpting® Elite:
1. You Have Pinchable Fat
For CoolSculpting® Elite to work, you need to have pinchable fat (not skin!) in the area you want to treat. This can be quite difficult to determine, especially if you have a lot of sagging skin after quick weight loss. So, to determine whether you are dealing with fat and not skin, you may want to schedule a consultation with our specialists.
2. You Are Near Your Ideal Weight and BMI
Since this treatment cannot eliminate large amounts of fat, CoolSculpting® Elite is considered to be more of a body-sculpting procedure than a weight-loss treatment. This is why you should be at or near your ideal weight to qualify for CoolSculpting® Elite. If you are overall happy with your weight but still feel like your body could use some work, CoolSculpting® Elite may be right for you.
3. You Are Tired of Seeing Your Stubborn Fat
If you’re tired of constantly seeing stubborn fat, despite your best efforts, then CoolSculpting® Elite may be your go-to treatment. Some types of fat, such as the fat underneath your chin or your flanks are much more difficult to target. As a result, treatments like CoolSculpting® Elite can help you remove it.
Results and Recovery – What to Expect?
As a CoolSculpting® Elite candidate, you need to have realistic expectations of the results. For this, you can check out some CoolSculpting® Elite before and after pictures, to get an idea of the effects.
In terms of recovery, you should know there is minimal downtime associated with CoolSculpting® Elite, and the majority of people can return to their daily business after the procedure.
CoolSculpting® Elite side effects are minimal. There is a possibility of some bruising, numbness, swelling, and tenderness in the area treated. Most of the time these effects are short-lived, and you should feel little to no discomfort from them.
The Bottom Line
CoolSculpting® Elite is a great way for you to shape your body when nothing else seems to work. The results are gradual but permanent, and you will be able to easily grow your confidence in your own body. So, if you’re interested in CoolSculpting® Elite and want to know if you’re a good candidate for the treatment or not, book an appointment with us!
For more information about CoolSculpting® Elite, give Artistry Skin & Hormone a call. We are available at 720-593-1816. You may also use our online contact form and we will get in touch with you as soon as possible.